Box Breathing Exercise
Learn: Learn how breathwork can help your mental and physical health. Conscious breathing techniques, like diaphragmatic breathing or box breathing, help activate the parasympathetic nervous system, which promotes relaxation. Breathwork can immediately lower stress hormones, calm the mind, signal to your body that you are safe, and reduce anxiety.
Change: Here’s a quick exercise to conduct your box breathing when you are experiencing difficult and intense emotions.
Box breathing Technique:
Inhale for 4 seconds
Hold for 4 seconds
Exhale for 4 seconds
Hold for 4 seconds
Repeat this 4 times
Tip: You can draw a box with your finger on the palm of your hand or in front of you as you breathe.
Grow: Begin to incorporate this in your daily routine and notice the benefits.
Source: DPRR: Deliberate Breathing