Cold Water Therapy Exercise
Learn: Cold water therapy can work wonders. When you are experiencing difficult and intense emotions or have a strong urge to engage in self destructive behaviors, using cold water as a distress response coping skill will help to reduce the intensity of the emotion and help to re- engage you back into the present moment.
Change: From the list below, pick one of the ways that you can implement Cold Water Therapy as a coping skill next time you are in emotional distress.
Make a bowl of cold ice water and then hold your breath and put your face in the water for 30 seconds. Have your ice trays full and ready to go when needed!
Use an ice pack from the freezer and put the ice over your eyes and cheeks for 30 seconds. Keep ice packs on hand ready to go!
Take a cold shower, try to stay in the cold as long as you can tolerate up to a minute. If you do not have access to a shower, try using a bathtub and fill it with cold water, or get into the tub and put your body under the cold running water!
Go for a Cold Plunge - Jump into a pool, or tub of cold water between 50-60 degrees Fahrenheit for a minute. Cold water will decrease your heart rate rapidly, be sure to consult with your healthcare provider before engaging in a Cold Plunge exercise.
Grow: Find ways to help yourself return to the present moment when you are experiencing distress to reduce the emotional intensity. Over time practicing a coping skill to regulate your emotions will help you to build resilience and develop your emotional intelligence!
Source: Verywell Mind